Best Lawyers® 2025 Honors 229 Burr Attorneys, Including 20 "Lawyers of the Year"
The Best Lawyers in America® — the oldest peer review publication in the legal profession — has recognized 229 Burr attorneys in its 2025 edition. 200 Burr & Forman attorneys were named Best Lawyers in America, with 6 being first-time honorees. The firm also had 33 attorneys recognized as Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch. This designation spotlights exemplary attorneys who have been in private practice for less than 10 years.
Of the 229 attorneys recognized, 20 earned the title of "Lawyer of the Year," a distinction held by very few attorneys nationwide, with only one lawyer recognized for each practice area and location. The Burr attorneys who received this recognition represent each of their practices as well as a robust peer network of more than 350 attorneys in 20 offices that span industries, services, and communities across the Southeast.
Lawyers of the Year
Keith Andress: Commercial Transactions / UCC Law
Howard Bogard: Health Care Law
Ed Christian: Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Michael Hall: Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law; Litigation - Bankruptcy
Gary London: Antitrust Law
Michael Lucas: Litigation - Labor and Employment
April Mason: Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law
Derek Meek: Bet-the-Company Litigation
William Thuston: Economic Development Law
Turner B. Williams: Litigation - Insurance
George Morrison: Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships); Real Estate Law
M. Elizabeth Crum: Administrative / Regulatory Law
Michael Seezen: Municipal Law; Public Finance Law
Weyman Carter: Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Jake Rea: Trusts and Estates
Douglas Anderson: Land Use and Zoning Law
John Kavanagh: Admiralty and Maritime Law
Warren Matthews: Tax Law
Myrtle Beach
Henrietta Golding: Labor Law - Management; Litigation - Labor and Employment
Zachary Miller - Litigation - Banking and Finance