Burr's Dara Cooley Helps Develop Documentary "Before the Law Was Equal"
Burr & Forman's Tampa-based associate Dara Cooley was instrumental in the development of the documentary "Before the Law Was Equal" about the desegregation of the legal community in Hillsborough County, that debuted April 10. The project was produced by the Hillsborough County Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division and Diversity Committee, and Tampa City Council member Mike Suarez delivered the keynote address and HCBA President presented a tribute to William Reece Smith Jr., a luminary in the legal profession.
The documentary includes interviews with notable Tampa Bay-area attorneys Lanse Scriven, Gwynne Young and Fraser Himes, as well as Judge Don Castor, Judge John F. Germany and Judge Mary S. Scriven. Cooley had the privilege of interviewing some of these local legal legends and conducted much of the historic research as a basis for the film.
For more information, please visit The Hillsborough County Bar Association's website at www.hillsbar.com.